Meet the Funders Grantmaker Panels

  Get the Insider Perspective on the Grantmaking Process.

We originated the concept of “Meet the Funders” Grantmaker panels where our moderator asks key funders the questions that are on your minds too.  And with the value-add of a face-to-face introduction to the panelists, we created an often-copied, but never duplicated experience.

Look for more news about a potential grantmaker panel for 2020-21.

Members of The Nonprofit Center receive two free admissions annually to panel discussions; Non-members pay just $35.

“I always learn things that I would never have known enough to ask! It is very helpful (and encouraging) to hear the thought process behind funding decision making and how to approach funders.”
-Mary Galligan, Executive Director, Art Partners Studio

“These are always worthwhile events; haven’t missed one in years!”
-Maggie Leyman, Development Director, Mighty Writers

Grantmaker panels, as well as all other Nonprofit Center programs, are approved for CFRE points for Certified Fund Raising Executives.