Classes and Online Learning
Learning organizations are most likely to be impactful organizations. The Nonprofit Center has educated more than 35,000 nonprofit professionals in the skills they need to sustain their organizations, ensure its viability and nourish our nonprofit community. We offer some 60+ capacity-building learning opportunities every year, in addition to consulting projects, on-site education for groups and leadership advancement.
“It was truly a very intellectually exciting experience for me. The knowledge gained from every class was so intense; and it forced to jump start my thoughts into uncharted territories to help me better serve at my organization. With the help of the manuals (which you get to keep), the lessons/skills learned were easily transferable back to the whole organization. Thank you for the experience and outcome!”
-Maku Warrakah Ali, Executive Director, Kensington Community Corporation for Individual Dignity, who completed 3 Nonprofit Center Certificate programs
Learn about Nonprofit Center Certificates >>
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At The Nonprofit Center, you will always find a variety of learning opportunities in virtually every aspect of nonprofit management courses, board trainings for current and aspiring nonprofit boards of directors, nonprofit financial management, nonprofit human resources, fundraising, marketing, strategic planning and more.
I would recommend all the courses I have taken at {The Nonprofit Center}. It is an incredible amount of learning for such a small amount of money and in such a short amount of time. Extremely efficient and useful for working professionals.“
-Rachel Segal, Executive Director, The Primavera Fund
Our classes are eligible for CEUs, CFREs.
Financial support for individual classes and On-site education, may be also available through TD Bank’s training resource fund.