What’s your expiration date?

Recently, at dinner following a family funeral, my son asked the assembled masses:  “When are you no longer wise beyond your years?”  While there was no consensus as to the age at which this occurs, there did seem to be agreement that at some point in life, those people you would deem to be wise re just that, regardless of their years.

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One of the characteristics of a wise person is knowing when it is time to say “enough.”  This would Read more

Best Nonprofit Money Can Buy?

We all know the saying “money doesn’t buy happiness.” It’s time that nonprofits understand that money also doesn’t buy doing things right.

In the second half of last year, Marks Paneth, a New York City accounting firm, conducted a survey of 114 leaders—executive directors, board members and CFOs—from nonprofits with budgets between $10 million and $200 million.

In other words, not your average nonprofits.  They are, in fact the 1.5 percenters—those nonprofits with revenue of $10 million or more.*  Nevertheless, we should all take of Read more

For Good Board Presidents Only

This is an open letter to good board presidents only.  Define good board presidents as those who really understand their role as a board president, as well as the role of the board.  They are the ones who are in it for the right reasons (ensuring the best delivery on mission promises as possible) —and not the wrong reasons (ego, power-trip, etc.).

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When was the last time you sat with your executive director and asked him/her how things were going?  Asked Read more

Nonprofit Institutional Memory

It is amazing how few organizations—and individuals—understand institutional memory—what it is, its value-add and how to use it.  So, instead of using it well and wisely, they allow it to be misused to the detriment of the organization.

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Perhaps it is easiest to start with what institutional memory is not.

It is not a person—ever, not even the longest-serving person on your board or staff; it isn’t even a founder
It is not “We’ve tried that before
It is not “But that is not Read more

March 3rd, 2016 0 Comment

Modeling Community Service

I had a visit from a former MBA student who had recently completed a prestigious international exchange scholarship in South America.  He was, in many ways, a misfit in the MBA program in that he worked for a Catholic high school in a very needy area, had spent extended time working with a nonprofit in another South American country and had no designs whatsoever on ever working in the corporate sector.  He knew where his heart belonged.

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And well he should, Read more

February 26th, 2016 0 Comment

Crazy Stupid Boards

I recently spoke with an executive director and board president of a theater company looking for some insight to help resolve an issue with a major donor/board member.

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This individual wanted to give the organization a gift specifically to produce a play written by a family member.  This gift would be bigger than any the donor had previously given, but would only be given if the stipulation were met.  While some might view this as a restricted gift and say that Read more

Nonprofit Leaders:  Find the Balance

David Miliband, President of the International Rescue Committee, was recently interviewed on NPR‘s Morning Edition by co-host, David Greene. Miliband was asked if he was worried about his employees on the ground in Syria.  As we would all expect, he responded, “I’m very worried, always, ….”

Considering the heart wrenching stories coming out of Syria, this NPR headline is more than troubling:  “the world has become a bit dull to news from Syria.” But truthfully, it wasn’t Miliband’s comments on the consequences of Russian bombings or Read more

Nonprofits should heed the experts

Why ask the question if you don’t want to at least listen to the answer?  But even more importantly, why ask the question if you don’t want to seriously consider the answer?  I frequently find myself wondering about this when working with nonprofits, and in particular when working with boards.  And although not new, this is increasingly problematic.

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Its prevalence, in light of the growing complexity of the sector, such as ever changing models offered up – sometimes by the nonprofits Read more

Nonprofit Leadership Deficit: Protecting Sacred Cows

In 2006, Bridgespan produced a report whose predictions shocked many people.

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Prediction one:  between then and 2016, the nonprofit sector was going to need to find 640,000 new executives to fill vacated positions.

Prediction two:  by 2016, we would need to find almost 80,000 such individuals per year.   The bursting of that bubble was delayed by the Great Recession.  But it would appear now that a slow burst has begun.  Executive transitions are upon us.

There is no question that a nonprofit is Read more

A Culture of Understanding

The French have a great expression, almost onomatopoeic, especially if it were in English:  coup de foudre.  Literally, it means a bolt of lightning.  And, with the emphasis on the “fou” it can sound just like a crack of lightening.  Figuratively, however, it means love at first sight.  It is nice to know that at my ripe old age, I can still fall in love at first contact.

I was interviewing a board member of an organization with which I am currently working and I just Read more

January 28th, 2016 0 Comment