Weighing the Role of Best Practices in Nonprofits

Over the past several months, I have been struggling with the question of best practices:  whose best practices?  And, do best practices really allow for flexibility and latitude when integrating them into the unique culture that exists in each of our organizations?

As those of you who read this blog regularly probably know by now, my first career was as an academic criminologist.  While there are many different theories that explain what makes some people criminals and others not, one of the more dominant ones explained Read more

The .02% Preferred

Another interesting study from GreyMatter, this one about the kinds of nonprofits donors prefer.  GreyMatter asked 1000 American donors, a “demographically representative” sample, to name their favorite charity, excluding places of worship.  They then researched all named nonprofits to understand the profiles of the favored ones.

The most astonishing—and terribly disappointing—finding is that this group of 1000 diverse Americans named only 289 different nonprofits as their most favorite.  That is a mere .02% of the 1.6 million nonprofits in the country.  More than half (54%) named Read more

October 12th, 2018 0 Comment

The Solution or Part of the Problem?

Last week, I had the pleasure of speaking to 35 international who had spent the last three weeks travelling this country meeting with, hearing from and listening to nonprofits, funders, community partners, etc.  They were here through the International Visitor Leadership Program, sponsored by the State Department, with the goal of learning all they could about American nonprofits.  I was their wrap- up/integration session before their next day departure.  I always enjoy when I’m invited to address invited guests of State.  The experience is always Read more

Of Benefits, Entrepreneurs and Data and Wasted Opportunities

A recent Philadelphia Business Journal poll asked folks to name their favorite work benefit. The options included: flexibility, money, dress code, wellness, fun, and a “my work does not offer any of these.” (Sad, truly, for the 16% who had to had to select that option).

Coming in first with 30% of respondents was flexibility, with the annotation of “work times, teleworking options, extended or uncapped paid time off;” seven points behind in second place was “bonuses or financial incentives.” Rounding out the full picture: 11% Read more

Who Do You Trust?

As we approach the last quarter of the year, the three months when, historically, more dollars come to nonprofits than any other three month period, I’m often asked by reporters and regular folk how to determine if a nonprofit is “donation-worthy.”
Unfortunately, our job at proving our worthiness got harder last year, as trust in nonprofits continued to drop.  According to Edelman’s annual Trust Barometer (which was released the beginning of this year), people from around the world are losing trust in government, for-profits, nonprofits, and the Read more

Crazy Broke Nonprofit Workers

Recently, I heard a tiger expert in India interviewed about the controversy surrounding the suggestion that the tiger that has killed 13 people in two years should be killed.  The expert was asked whether India could learn things from other countries and how they handle their tiger population. Without a moment’s hesitation, the expert responded that India was not humble enough to learn from others.   And there it was:  my missing link in understanding why seemingly smart people repeatedly do stupid things:  they aren’t humble Read more

One Happy Family

Ever since I started teaching graduate students (something I totally spurned for my decades-long career teaching undergraduates) the traditional sadness at the end of summer has been somewhat mitigated.   Grad students, with their different perspectives, their confidence, deserved and otherwise, their willingness – no desire – to explore new ideas, and, yes, often their naiveté about the sector, is inspiring and energizing and oh so welcome.

We’ve started out exploring leadership—characteristics of a successful leader, differences between management and leadership, leadership as position and leadership as Read more

September 7th, 2018 0 Comment

End of Summer Musings

Whether we wish to acknowledge it or not, it is the end of summer.  (Working on a college campus, it is hard to ignore this.)  So, before our minds really ramp up and are back in gear for long, sustained thinking, here are several short thoughts I wanted to share.

Words:  I love words.  Finding the right word(s) to express your thoughts can make all the difference in the world—to you, to your audience.  Sadly, though, the audience doesn’t always appreciate your choices, doesn’t recognize them Read more

The Future of Equality in Nonprofits?

Writing this post on the morning after the primary that has a transgender person running for governor of Vermont and a Muslim almost guaranteed to become a member of the Michigan team, gives me hope as I report on a less than stellar picture of our own sector’s equality.

“Race to Lead:  Confronting the Nonprofit Racial Leadership Gap,” authored by Sean Thomas-Breitfield and Frances Kunreuther, while providing some “duh” findings also reveals some important lessons that every leader (yes, that absolutely includes board members) at every Read more

Whither Goest Our Moral Imperative?

In an address to the National Democratic Committee Future Forum in January 2017, Rev. William Barber, II made the following statement:  “…there are times when a deep, moral crisis demands that the way we have framed things up until now is insufficient.”

He was speaking of the need for an American political Pentecost and a movement away from a world view of “right” versus “left” and towards a world view of “right” versus “wrong,” a moral fusion that crosses the usual suspects of boundaries people like Read more