Happy Millennials = Happy Workplace

Malcolm Harris, a millennial author of an upcoming book on millennials, declares in a recent Washington Post op-ed, that it should come as no surprise that millennials are leakers like no other previous generation.  While some folks question Harris’ stability (particularly since the tweets he posted after yesterday’s shooting at the Republican baseball team’s practice, and then deleted, though many of his other tweets and writings are deserving of raised eyebrows and questions of civility), and others refer to him as communist, the argument he Read more

Life in 140 Characters

When I was growing up, we had a vacation home on the Potomac River, right outside of Shepherdstown, West Virginia. We used the house primarily for weekends throughout the course of the year, with a bit more time during school holidays.  One of the first things we did as we drove into town on the way to our house was to stop and buy the current edition of the Jefferson County local newspaper (The Chronicle and The Shepherdstown Chronicle.

My siblings and I loved reading those papers.  Read more

Corporate Social Responsibility is Good Business


What a brilliant idea!  Robert Goodwin, co-founder of Executives Without Borders, has suggested that every corporation adopt a nonprofit, providing IT, marketing and logistical support, as well additional business expertise that could help nonprofits do better at delivering their mission.  He sees this as a win-win situation, noting that:

“Companies that integrate altruistic activities into their core business model will have the competitive advantage that comes with delivering a social profit: They will retain employees, recruit top talent, and build better community relations and a stronger Read more