Why Can’t They Be More Like Us?

 Earlier this week local public radio’s Radio Times featured a columnist from the Philadelphia Business Journal and an editor and senior writer for Business Week.  The topic was the value, potency, impact, etc., of President Obama’s mandate of a cap on the compensation of senior executives at companies receiving federal bail out money. 

It took the first comment of one of the guests to have me fuming.  He was discussing how executive compensation consultants are already advising people on how to get Read more

The Pink Collar Ghetto Lives! Social Responsibility Part II

One of the joys of blogging is that there doesn’t have to be continuity post to post.  I, however, have to continue this theme from my last posting. 

This question of the extent to which nonprofits should be socially responsible not just through the charitable work that our organizations do but in how we execute that work continue to pound away at me. What I am about to report is no new disparity—and that is what makes it worse:  we’ve known about it forever, or so it Read more