Reality Check

Last week, my niece sent her mother and me a blog written by a colleague of hers. The woman had been home in India when the well-publicized gang rape occurred. The blog was a plea to all Indians -and everyone else – to pledge to end gender based violence.

How was it that after so many years of working to make the world understand that women are, indeed, human beings, with brains, skills, abilities such wonton disregard for women could still be happening?

How is that that Read more

The Pink Collar Ghetto Lives! Social Responsibility Part II

One of the joys of blogging is that there doesn’t have to be continuity post to post.  I, however, have to continue this theme from my last posting. 

This question of the extent to which nonprofits should be socially responsible not just through the charitable work that our organizations do but in how we execute that work continue to pound away at me. What I am about to report is no new disparity—and that is what makes it worse:  we’ve known about it forever, or so it Read more