Dirty Money
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When are people going to learn that politics and nonprofits just don’t go together? It is messy; it even gets ugly. It complicates things where, truthfully, additional layers of complication don’t need to be added. Plus, it always raises eyebrows. And that’s never a good thing.
Recently, The Philadelphia Inquirer did an article on the philanthropy of media and cable giant Comcast. Dollar-wise, Comcast is a good philanthropist: according to its own promotion materials, it has given $25 million to charity since its inception Read more
Social Media Smashing Your Face In?
I remember the first time the call went out that pieces of some space exploration equipment were going to be falling from the sky, landing we knew not where. There were projections which—I truly thought then and now—were more hopes and spin put out there with the intent to diffuse anxiety about the “sky falling in”—that it would land in the desert or the ocean. But the reality was, the “experts” had no clue. And I so remember at the time ranting at the “experts” Read more