2 Entries For Your Post-Crisis Sustainability Playbook

Seize the Opportunities

In 1905, philosopher George Santayana said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” As it seems the past has been forgotten, here’s a quick trip down memory lane:  

September 11, 2001The 2008 financial crisis and recessionThe 2020 pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement

While each of these events had a profound impact on our entire country, they also revealed an important fact for nonprofits:  economic troubles, troubles that threaten our very existence, have come around before and they will Read more

CEO Loyalty Test

Leaders come and leaders go, but it is the way that they come and go that can be truly telling about an organization, the leader and the board.

I read with sadness about the removal of Cornell William Brooks as president of the NAACP.  It isn’t because I have strong feelings about Mr. Brooks, as I don’t as I don’t know much about his three year tenure in that role.  What has engendered the sadness is what seems to be the “read between the lines” message Read more