Inside Advice on Perils of Skills-Based Volunteers
Nonprofit Business Advisor‘s June 2018 issue features an interview with Laura Otten, director of The Nonprofit Center, in which she advises nonprofits on what they can reasonably expect from skills-based volunteers and where they should focus for best results. Read the whole interview here: Expert Warns Against Limits of Skills-based Volunteers
SHRM Sexual Harassment Policy and Complaint/Investigation Procedure
While sexual harassment in the workplace is hardly a new issue and training programs have been going on for years, in the midst of the current national reckoning, many nonprofits feel the need to be more proactive. The logical place to start is with effective sexual harassment workplace policies that management enforces. The Nonprofit Center.
Nonprofit Resilience Institute for South Jersey Nonprofit Organizations
The Nonprofit Resilience Institute, from the Community Foundation of South Jersey, Campbell Soup Foundation and The Nonprofit Center, is now accepting applications for nonprofits based in southern NJ. Community Foundation of South Jersey Application: Deadline: 12/7/16 Recognizing that strong nonprofit executive and board leadership is key for community improvement and sustainability, the Community Foundation of.
Region’s Nonprofits Lag in Economic Recovery
A survey by The Nonprofit Center shows that more than half of Greater Philadelphia nonprofits have experienced little or no economic recovery.
News from The Nonprofit Center
Feel Free to Quote us: Laura Otten Comments on Bon Jovi’s Philanthropy Interested in Corporate Philanthropy? Advocating for Nonprofit Salaries Busting Myths about Charitable Giving Trends in Local Giving What Should Corporate Donors Look for in a Nonprofit When Bigger Doesn’t Equal Better Not Everybody Loves Giving Tuesday More Thoughts on Giving Tuesday
Research on the Nonprofit Sector
Under the leadership of Director Laura Otten, Ph.D., The Nonprofit Center continues to take a leadership role in research that furthers education and contributes to capacity-building in the nonprofit sector.