Elizabeth Pilacik, CPA

Elizabeth Pilacik, who is a director of audit and accounting for Kreischer Miller, has more than 20 years of experience in working with nonprofits and other tax exempt organization on their auditing and financial consulting needs, including accounting for endowments, donations, and government funding; evaluating internal control procedures; and implementing improved policies and increased efficiencies. Prior to joining Kreischer Miller, she was an assurance director at BDO USA, where she was the co-leader of their Philadelphia Nonprofit and Education Industry Group. She spent 16 years with Asher & Company, Ltd., serving as a senior manager and chair of Nonprofit and Tax-exempt Services, before it was acquired by BDO. She is a frequent instructor on such topics as nonprofit accounting, reporting, and tax issues. Elizabeth earned a BS in accounting from St. Joseph’s University and is a CPA.