Mission Critical Marketing

Date and Time: Wednesday, March 26, 2025 - 09:00 am to 03:30 pmLocation: N/A - online


Registration for this course is closed. Please contact us at [email protected] to inquire about any remaining spaces or to be placed on a waiting list.

Nonprofit marketing is central to raising awareness for your cause, funds to support your mission, and to recruit and retain volunteers and talent. Each touchpoint with your stakeholders is an opportunity to improve outcomes and increase supporter engagement. This class will help you understand the necessary elements of building a mission critical marketing program, prioritize and attract the right audiences, and develop results-oriented objectives so that you can focus on delivering on your mission.

SKU: N/A Category: Audience: Staff and board members who want to increase the effectiveness of their organizations, build or extend services, and grow their organizations Certificate Programs: Nonprofit Management

Event Location

Date: March 26th, 2025

Location: N/A - online


Member $155
Non-Member $185


  • Meghan Pierce, Ph.D.

    Meghan Pierce, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Marketing at La Salle University.  While pursuing her Ph.D., Meghan consulted in the nonprofit sector, with a focus on participatory action research, behavior change strategies, and measuring impact. She received her B.S. in marketing, B.A. in foreign languages and literatures, M.S. in marketing research, and Ph.D. in marketing from Virginia Tech.  She also spent several years spent working with the Health Communication Lab and Center for Organizational Research at the University of Lugano, Switzerland.