Crime and Punishment

When one has a past profession and a new one, there is the opportunity for those worlds to collide.  And so it has happened.  My decades as a professor of criminology have met my current world as a nonprofit executive.  But the cause for the intersection is nothing to celebrate.  

In the aftermath of a criminal conviction, as the judge is weighing sentencing options, victims, their family and friends, are allowed to testify or have statements read about the impact of Read more

Term Limits for Nonprofit Boards

 In response to a recent blog, I was asked the following question:  What is your opinion on term limits for board members and officers?  Opinions are one thing of which I have no shortage.  So, be careful what you ask!

The debate on term limits has been waging for decades, if not centuries.  So, there is no “settled” answer to this question.  But my own answer is very firm:  term limits—both for board members and officers—are a must.  My reasons underlying this Read more

Stressed ≠ Important


Before leaving on vacation, I foolishly allowed myself to agree to working with a client on my first evening back.  But the client was most solicitous and understanding, and upon arrival asked about my vacation, even wanting to see pictures.  She asked an interesting question:  what insights did you gain?


At the time I laughed, as I rarely thought of work, but the question kept gnawing at me.  My answer began to take shape over the course of the Read more

Stressed ≠ Important July 30th, 2009 0 Comment

Corporate Social Responsibility is Good Business


What a brilliant idea!  Robert Goodwin, co-founder of Executives Without Borders, has suggested that every corporation adopt a nonprofit, providing IT, marketing and logistical support, as well additional business expertise that could help nonprofits do better at delivering their mission.  He sees this as a win-win situation, noting that:

“Companies that integrate altruistic activities into their core business model will have the competitive advantage that comes with delivering a social profit: They will retain employees, recruit top talent, and build better community relations and a stronger Read more

A Fine Line Between Love & Hate


First a warning:  Laura Otten is not responsible for the contents of this week’s guest blog.

She is on vacation and since her blog is read in more than 20 countries, I just might be hearing from her as to how I handled this sacred trust.

Since  Laura encourages her staff to speak their minds, I’m taking this rare opportunity to use this space to give a rant 25 years in the making.

10 Things I Hate About Nonprofit Read more

A Fine Line Between Love & Hate July 16th, 2009 0 Comment

A Tale of Two Boards


It wasn’t quite the best of boards nor the worst of them, either.  But it was a lesson in contrasts.  In the space of an hour, I got to shore up a newly minted board president struggling with a board that hadn’t yet listened to reason and also field the questions of a board that, once a table of bobble-heads, had morphed into a take charge board.  God, I love my job! Chapter I:  

a thoughtful, Read more

Four is Not Enough

 Last  week I got a call from a reporter from another part of the country asking for help.  The reporter, whose normal beat is science and medicine, was stuck looking at a 990.  And while she had gotten a lot of good information from the form, she wanted me to look at to see what I thought, see if she was on the right track, etc.  One of the first things that easily caught my attention was the list of board members.  Read more

Calculating the Risk of Risk

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It is funny Read more

Calculating the Risk of Risk June 25th, 2009 0 Comment

Of Baby Boomers and Boards

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According to Linda Crompton, President and CEO of BoardSource, the number of nonprofit board members needed each year is 26 million.  Yup, you read that correctly:  both the size of the need and the frequency of the need.


This in and of itself is a huge challenge.  Couple Read more

Survival vs. Sustainability

As the daughter of two writers, I gained early on a deep appreciation for words. I learned early on the power of words and how subtle—and not so subtle differences—could be made by the mere substitution of one word for another.  Meetings can energize or enervate, and I worry for those who equate the outcomes. 

But my worry ascends to angst as I consider all of those in the nonprofit world who are making the mistake of seeing survival as a synonym for sustainable.  They Read more

Survival vs. Sustainability June 10th, 2009 0 Comment